RecordNumber :
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Uni. Title :
Encyclopedia of industrial chemistry
Title :
Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial chemistry
Edition :
5th, completely rev. ed
Publication :
Collation :
v. ill
Notes :
Includes bibliographies
Contents :
v. A1: Abrasives to aluminum oxide. - v. A2: Ammines, aliphatic antibiotics. - v. A3: Antidiabet drugs to benzoquinone and naphthoquinone and naphthoquinon dyes. - v. A4: Benzyl alcohol to calcium sulfate. - v. A5: Cancer chemotherapy to ceramic colorants. v. - A6: Ceramics to chlorohydrins. - v. A7: Chlorophenols to copper compounds. - v. A8: Coronary therapeutics to display technology. - v. A9: Dithiocarbamic acid to ethanol. - v. A10: Ethanolamines to fibers, 4. synthetic organic. -v. A11: Fibers, 5. synthetic inorganic formaldehyde. - v. A12: Formamides to hexamethylenediamine. -v. A14: Immobilized biocatalysts to isoprene. -v. A15: Isotopes, natural to magnesium compounds. -v. A16: Magntic materials to mutagenic agents. -v. A17: Naphthalene to nuclear technology. v. A18: Nucleic acds to parasympatholytics and parasympathomimetics. -v. A19: Parkinsonism treatment to photoeletricity. -v. A20: Photography to plastics, processing. -v. A21: Plastics. properties and testing to polyvinyl compounds. -v. A22: Poly(Vinyl estres) to reduction. -v. A23: Refractory ceramics to silicon carbide. v. A24: Silicon compounds, inorganic to stains, microscopic. -v. A25: Strach and other polysaccharides to surfactants. -v. A26: Surgical materials to thiourea. -v. A27: Thorium and thorium compounds to vitamins. - v. A28: Water to zirconium and zirconium
Subject :
Chemistry, Technical -- Encyclopedias
Gerhartz, Wolfgang,Yamamoto, Y. Stephen,Campbell, F. Thomas,Pfefferkorn, Rudolf,Rounsaville, James F
Title: Encyclopedia of industrial chemistry
تاريخ ورود اطلاعات :
Editor :
Editoral avisory board
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